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DUET 2021 Application Form (for PG, MPhil & PhD):

DUET 2021 Application form filling procedure for PG and MPhil/ PhD programme started on July 26, 2021. Eligible candidates can apply latest by August 21, 2021 on the official website of Delhi University.

The online registrations for the University level exam, which is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) will be done for UG, PG and MPhil/ PhD programme. Candidates seeking admission to various programme offered at Delhi University can apply for DUET 2021 Application Form before the last dates.

DUET 2021 Application form

Start of Registration Process for DUET-2021.
The National Testing Agency is pleased to announce the conduct of the Delhi University Entrance
Test (DUET-2021).
The registration portal of University of Delhi will start as per the schedule mentioned below:

DUET Application Form 2021 Dates

NTA has shared the schedule of the DUET Entrance Exam 2021. Check out the table below for the exam dates: 

DUET 2021 Application Form (PG)26-Jul-2021 to 21-Aug-2021
DUET 2021 Application Form (MPhil/ PhD)26-Jul-2021 to 21-Aug-2021
DUET 2021 Application Form (UG)2-Aug-2021 to 31-Aug-2021
Release of DUET Admit CardTo be announced
DUET 2021 ExamsTo be announced
Release of Answer KeysTo be announced
Declaration of ResultsTo be announced
Counselling RoundTo be announced

DUET 2021 Registrations: How to fill application form for PG courses

Step 1: Create DUET login ID for PG course admissions

In order to fill Delhi University application form, first of all, aspirants have to create a login ID by providing their Email ID, mobile number and password for Delhi University PG admission portal. The password created by aspirants needs to be of at least 8 characters and the mobile number needs to be 10 digits and candidates should not add 0 or +91 before their mobile number.

Next, candidates need to enter their details such as – full name, date of birth, category, nationality, gender, the university last attended, age (as of May 1 of the year in which they are applying for admission) and Mother/Father/Guardian’s name.

Step 2: Upload documents & enter the postal address for DU admissions

After filling in all the details while creating the login ID for the DU PG application form, candidates need to upload the below-mentioned documents in their registration form for DU admissions based on the entrance exam.

Candidates need to ensure that they submit digital/scanned documents in the DUET application form and also make sure that all the documents are self-attested and in the dimensions and formats that are mentioned in the table below.

Photograph(must be passport size)JPG/JPEG/PNGDimension – 50 kbWidth – 100 pxHeight – 130 px
Signature JPG/JPEG/PNGDimensions – 50 kbWidth – 140 pxHeight- 60 px
Class 10 Certificate (Self Attested) as Date of Birth proofJPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF100 KB
Caste Certificate (Applicable for SC, ST & OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) ApplicantsJPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF100 KB 
Identity Proof (Self-attested)(Aadhaar Card/ Driving License/ PAN Card/ Voter’s Identity Card/ Passport/ College Identity Card)JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF50 KB 

After uploading the required documents, aspirants need to enter their Identity Proof Number (of the document mentioned above) and thereafter mention their postal address and passport number.

Step 3: Fill details in the DU application form

After uploading the required documents in the DU application form, candidates need to mention their educational qualifications as well as the course in which they want to apply for admission.

Field to be filledDetails that need to be filled
Examination Passed (10+2)Select the stream studied in 10+2 from Science, Commerce and Arts as mentioned in the drop-down.
Examination Passed (Graduation)Select the exam’s name from the drop-down list.Candidates who select ‘Other’ from the list must mention the name of their examination.
SubjectEnter the Stream/ Subject studied.
Board/UniversitySelect the name of the Board/University. If the name is not mentioned in the drop-down then choose ‘Other’ and mention the name of the Board/University in the space provided.
Year of PassingMention the year of passing the examination you selected. The official website informs: “Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year examination and are awaiting result should select the option ‘Yes’ from the Result Awaited drop-down list”.
Max. Marks/Grade PointsMention the maximum marks/grade points (10) of the above-mentioned examination. In case the result is awaited then this field will not be operational.
Marks Obt./CGPAEnter marks/CGPA you obtained in the above mention exam. In case the result is awaited then this field will not be operational.
Percentage/CGPAEnter marks obtained in the given exam. It gets converted to a percentage automatically. In case the result is awaited then this field will not be operational.
Result AwaitedThis field will be operational only for those candidates who are appearing/have appeared in the final year exam of the given year. The official website informs: “Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year examination and are awaiting result should select the option ‘Yes’ from the Result Awaited drop-down list”
Last College AttendedEnter the name of the last attended College. 
Examination Roll Number (Only for Delhi University Students)DU students should enter their roll number of the examination in the given space. Candidates from any other university need to enter ‘NA’ in the given space.
Enrollment No. (Only for Delhi University Students)DU students should enter their University Enrollment number in the space provided. Candidates from any other university need to enter ‘NA’ in the given space.
Select CourseChoose the Course from the drop-down list.
Choose Admission CriteriaSelect admission criteria to see the eligibility criteria required against that course.a) Category Code: It’s mandatory for each candidate to choose their Category code. 
b) Some courses have extra options such as SOL, NCWEB etc. which can be selected by the candidate if found relevant or required.
Examination CentreSelect the entrance exam centre.
SportsSelect ‘Yes’ if applying under sports quota. The official website informs: “Candidates applying under sports category must submit a hard copy of this application form to the respective department. Only last three years participation in sports will be considered. This will be applicable as per university rules”.
DeclarationThe candidate declares that all the statements made and documents uploaded are true from belief. If any information is found to be incorrect, his candidature is liable to be cancelled and he may be subject to legal/disciplinary proceedings.
College PreferenceCandidates need to select their college/department preference.

Once, an aspirant fills in all the above-mentioned details then they should preview the DU application form and make any changes, if necessary. If all the details filled in are correct then the aspirant should click the ‘Pay Fee’ button.

Step 4: Pay DUET application fee

Next, candidates need to pay the application fee by clicking on the ‘Click to Make Payment’ button. Aspirants can pay the DU application fee for the entrance exam by means of credit card, debit card or net banking.

DUET 2021 Registration Fee
Unreserved/OBC/CW/MinoritiesRs 750 (Non-Refundable)
SC/ST/PwD/EWSRs 300 (Non-Refundable)

Step 5: Download DU PG application form

Once the DU application fee has been paid successfully then the aspirant needs to click on the ‘Print Form’ button and take a hard copy of the duly filled DUET application form. Once candidates print their DU application form then they can see the DU form number and QR Code on the printed form.

Documents required to fill DUET Application Form 2021

Certificate of Class 10Marksheet of Class 12
Caste certificate (If applicable)Scanned images of photograph and signature
Income certificate (if required)Sports certificate (if applicable)
Extra-Curricular Activities Certificates (if applicable)Valid email ID and mobile number

Editing of DUET Application Form 2021 

After entering all the required details, applicants can proceed with any of the three options – Edit the application, Pay Fee and My Home. The applicants are advised to fill their forms carefully. Candidates will have to pay the required amount for making changes in the application form after submission. The application fee once deposited will not be refunded. 

DUET Application Form 2021 – Important Points

  • Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria before filling DUET 2021 application form
  • Candidates should fill all details in the DU application form carefully
  • Editing of details will be allowed within the prescribed dates of application
  • No change in details will be allowed after the final submission of the DUET application form 2021
  • All fields marked in ‘Red’ need to be filled by candidates
  • Application without fee payment is considered incomplete
  • Applicants should pay the requisite examination fees and take a printout of the receipt for further reference
  • Candidates are not required to send the printout of the application form to the examination authority
  • Applicants cannot preview the application, pay the fee or submit their application if they do not upload the required documents 
  • At the time of registration, candidates need to choose whether they want to apply for merit-based courses, entrance based courses or both. 

Registration currently has started only for PG & M.Phil. /Ph.D. Candidates.
Students can register through below mentioned links:
👉 (For PG admission)
👉 (For M.Phil./Ph.D. admission)

The Exam dates of the DUET-2021 are 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 September and 01 October 2021.

The detailed schedule mentioning dates of downloading of Admit Cards and of Examination will be displayed on NTA website later on. NTA would keep students updated about the latest
developments and would inform about changes.
The candidates and their parents are advised to keep visiting the NTA and DU websites for latest
Please mail your admission related queries to: (For queries related to UG admission) (For queries related to PG admission) (For queries related to M.Phil/Ph.D admission) and, candidates can call on

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