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Indian Logic MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Explanation

Indian Logic MCQ

Get Indian Logic Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with answers and detailed solutions. Download these Free Indian Logic MCQ Quiz Pdf and prepare for your upcoming exams Like Banking, SSC, Railway, UPSC, State PSC.

1. Given below are two statements related to the Upanishadic tradition

Statement I: Paravidya means knowledge that transcends human experience

Statement II: Aparavidya means knowledge based on the human experience

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below



2. Which of the following pramanas are accepted by Vaisheshika philosophy?

A. Pratyaksa

B. Anumana

C. Sabda

D. Upamana

E. Arhapatti

F. Anupalabdhi

Choose the correct answer from the options given beow:


3. Which of the folloiwng are accepted in Buddhism?

A. Adhyasa

B. Apoha

C. Abhava

D. Arthapatti

E. Pratyaiksha

F. Sabada

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:



The fallacy (hetvabhasha) produced in the conclusion due to the repudiation of Sadhya by Hetu is known as



‘To infer rain in the past by perceiving muddy water in the pond’, is


6. The sequential order of syllogism on Nyaya philosophy is

A. Nigmam

B. Udaharana

C. Hetu

D. Upanaya

E. Pratigya

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


7. Match List I with List II

List I List II
(concepts) (Schools)
A. Nirvana I. Sankhya
B. Nihshreyasa II. Jainism
C. Apavarga III. Upanishads
D. Moksha IV. Buddhism

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:



Which one of the following schools has not accepted anumana (inference) as a valid source of knowledge?



Which one of the following is signified by Uda̅harana of Anuma̅na (Inference) in Indian Logic?



Alive Devadatta is either in his house or elsewhere, Alive Devadatta is not in his house. Therefore alive Devadatta is elsewhere. The above is an example of which kind of pramana?


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The development of Indian logic dates back to the anviksiki of Medhatithi Gautama (c. 6th century BCE); the Sanskrit grammar rules of Pāṇini (c. 5th century BCE); the Vaisheshika school’s analysis of atomism (c. 6th century BCE to 2nd century BCE); the analysis of inference by Gotama (c. 6th century BC to 2nd century CE), founder of the Nyaya school of Hindu philosophy; and the tetralemma of Nagarjuna (c. 2nd century CE).

Indian logic stands as one of the three original traditions of logic, alongside the Greek and the Chinese logic. The Indian tradition continued to develop through early to modern times, in the form of the Navya-Nyāya school of logic.

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