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UGC NET 3 December 2021 : Question Paper Analysis 1st & 2nd Shift

Day 10 of UGC NET 2021 has been conducted for the Education subject on December 1. Check the detailed question paper analysis of UGC NET 3rd December 2021 Paper 1 & Education here.

UGC NET 3rd December 2021 : Day 10 of UGC NET 2021 has been conducted on December 3 for the Education subject. As the number of takers for Education subject is more, the exam is taking place in two shifts. The question paper is divided into two parts Paper 1 & 2.

On this page, you can check the detailed question paper analysis of UGC NET 2021 for Paper 2 (Education) and Paper 1. The following analysis is based on the feedback received from students and experts.

UGC NET 3 December 2021 Paper 1 Analysis: Major Highlights

The major highlights of UGC NET 3rd December 2021 Paper 1 analysis are as follows –

Paper 1 was not too tough in Shift 1, and there were no unexpected surprises. The paper was on expected lines. From communication, there were questions on barriers to communication. There were also questions on research ethics. Some of the major highlights of UGC NET 3 December 2021 Shift 1 Analysis are as follows –

Difficulty Level of Paper 1: Easy to Moderate

Difficulty Level of Comprehension Questions: Easy

Difficulty Level of Research Aptitude Questions: Moderate

Difficulty Level of Teaching Aptitude Questions: Moderate

Difficulty Level of Reasoning Questions: Easy but Time Consuming

Difficulty Level of Mathematics Questions: Easy to Moderate

Difficulty Level of Environment Questions: Moderate

UGC NET 3 December 2021 Education Analysis: Major Highlights

The major highlights of UGC NET 2021 Education (Paper 2) analysis are as follows –

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UGC NET 1st December 2021 Question Paper Analysis

Topics & Question Asked in Today Exam-UGC NET 3 December 2021

Q1 Is Big Blue Button-Synchronous

Big Blue Button is a free software web conferencing system for Linux servers. Its intended use is online learning

Big Blue Button is an HTML5-based web application. Unlike many commercial web conferencing systems that require you to install software, Big Blue Button runs within your web browser. You click a link (such as in Greenlight), your browser runs Big Blue Button and prompts you to join the audio bridge.

There is no plugin to download, no software to install. Big Blue Button provides high-quality audio, video, and screen sharing using the browser’s built-in support for web real-time communication (WebRTC) libraries.

BigBlueButton extends many of its core features to focus on enabling the instructor to engage students. There are four main use cases for engagement:

If you are an instructor, BigBlueButton helps you engage students with:


Q2 Qualitative /Quantitative Research

Q3 series-4NA P2D 2SJO ?


Q5 Case Study

Q6 Curriculam Change / Social Chage

Q7 Podcast/Broadcast Difference

Detailed Answer-

Difference Between Podcast and Broadcast

The advancement of digital telecommunication channels has enabled easier, faster, effective and affordable ways of relaying information. With the replacement of traditional methods, digital channels such as televisions, radio, press printing, and podcasts, just to name a few have taken over.

Among the most common methods include podcasts and broadcasts. With more podcasts being released every day, broadcast media channels are left with no choice than to produce better content. While many may not differentiate the two, the two vary based on the channels used, the regulation required, and the niche market, just to name a few.

UGC NET 2021 Cut Off

What is Podcast?

These are pre-recorded downloadable digital files that focus on a specific niche. They are available in videos, audios, screencasts and enhanced podcasts. Each podcast is tailored towards a certain group of people which can range from investors, homeowners, parents, students, finance persons and pet owners, just to mention a few. Podcasts are available on various apps and websites.

Some types of podcasts include;

With over 50 million people listening to podcasts monthly, the industry is quite profitable and is inexpensive to create.

UGC NET 29th Nov 2021 Question Paper Analysis

What is Broadcast?

These are transmissions of video or audio content via electronic communication mediums to a dispersed audience. Common through radio and television, the target audience includes a wide target group or the general public and is controlled from a studio. Broadcasts feature a wide range of topics through festivals, talk shows, interviews, and music.

Similarities between Podcast and Broadcast


Q9 Stenberg Theory

Q10 Cultural Change

Q 11 NEP 2020 2 question

Q12 Secondary education Structure

Q13 Di Sales Based

Q 14 Cost Price

Q 15 Environment Act Matching-Kyoto /Paris Agreement

Q16 BHRF Series ?

Q17 NRF Name ?

-National Ranking Framework

Q18 5 ,13,17 ?

Q19 Distance Time

Q20 Di & RC Easy but time consuming

UGC NET 3 December 2021 Paper-1 Analysis: Major Highlights

1st Shift Questions-

[Forwarded from Nibedita Adhikary]

Exam Adda Classses-

Sunita Rai-

Morning shift ma easy tha, maximum learning theory par tha, curriculum, NPE 2020, qualitative research, reliability, internal validity, mooc, swayam prabha

Question Asked in Shift -2

Dr Darshana K

A rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly describes the instructor’s performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. A rubric identifies: criteria: the aspects of performance (e.g., argument, evidence, clarity) that will be assessed.

रूब्रिक एक स्कोरिंग टूल है जो एक असाइनमेंट या काम के टुकड़े के लिए प्रशिक्षक की प्रदर्शन अपेक्षाओं का स्पष्ट रूप से वर्णन करता है  एक रूब्रिक पहचानता है: मानदंड: प्रदर्शन के पहलू (जैसे, तर्क, सबूत, स्पष्टता) जिनका मूल्यांकन किया जाएगा।

Shubham Yadav

Ans-कार और ट्रक से

Ans-सिग्नल में

टेलनेट (Telnet) का पूरा नाम टेलीकम्यूनिकेशन नेटवर्क (Tele-Communication Network) है। यह वर्चुअल टर्मिनल प्रोटोकॉल (Virtual Terminal Protocol) हैं। … वास्तव मेंं टेलनेट एक ऐसा यूटिलिटी प्रोग्राम है, जो यूजर को इन्टरनेट से जुड़े हुए बहुत सारे होस्ट (Host) में ऐक्सेस करने की अनुमति प्रदान करता है।

Telnet ( Telnet full name) is Tele-Communication Network (Tele-Communication Network). This is the Virtual Terminal Protocol. … actually Telnet is a utility program that allows a user to access multiple hosts connected to the Internet.

Ans-World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year around the world on 31st May

Ans-EBCDIC, in full extended binary-coded decimal interchange code, data-encoding system, developed by IBM and used mostly on its computers, that uses a unique eight-bit binary code for each number and alphabetic character as well as punctuation marks and accented letters and nonalphabetic characters.

What is Article 21A?

शिक्षा का अधिकार, Constitution of India, Article 21A ( Article 21A Constitution of India: Right to education ) राज्य, छह वर्ष से चौदह वर्ष तक की आयु वाले सभी बालकों के लिए निःशुल्क और अनिवार्य शिक्षा देने का ऐसी रीति में, जो राज्य विधि द्वारा, अवधारित करे, उपबंध करेगा।

Right to education , Constitution of India, Article 21A ( Article 21A Constitution of India: Right to education) The State shall provide for free and compulsory education for all children of the age of six to fourteen years in such manner as may be prescribed by State law. shall determine, provide.

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