UGC NET 29th Nov 2021 Question Paper Analysis : Paper 1 & History

Day 7 of UGC NET 2021 has been conducted for three subjects including History on November 29.

Check the detailed question paper analysis of UGC NET 29th November 2021 Paper 1 & History (Paper 2) here.

UGC NET 29th Nov 2021 Question Paper

UGC NET 29th Nov 2021-Day 7 of UGC NET 2021 has been conducted on November 29 in two shifts for 3 subjects. The major subject in Paper 2 that was conducted on Day 7 was History. The Paper 1 difficulty level has been changing on each day of the exam. On days 4 & 5, the difficulty level of Paper 1 was tough. On this page, you can check the detailed question paper analysis of UGC NET 2021 for Paper 2 (History) and Paper 1. The following analysis is prepared on the basis of expert and student feedback.

UGC NET 29th November 2021 Question Paper 1 Analysis: Important Highlights

Some of the major highlights of UGC NET 29th November 2021 Paper 1 analysis are as follows –

  • The difficulty level of Paper 1 was moderate
  • There was a question on Soil Pollution and one question on Barriers to Communication
  • There were questions on Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  • Most of the questions were assentation type
  • Questions pertaining to Teaching and Research Aptitude were moderate in terms of difficulty level

UGC NET 29th November 2021 History Analysis: Important Highlights

Some of the major highlights of UGC NET 29th November 2021 History analysis are as follows –

  • The difficulty level of History was moderate in Shift 1 and the paper was balanced
  • There were approximately 28-30 questions from Ancient India
  • The questions related to Medieval India were difficult
  • There were a good number of Match the Following type questions
  • Good emphasis has been given to questions related to inscriptions
  • There were two comprehensive type questions on Vedic Age and INC
  • The most difficult questions were from the topic – the emergence of Regional Kingdoms, Society & Culture
  • There were approximately 15 questions from Modern Indian History
  • The expected number of good attempts in Paper 2 is 50

UGC NET 29th Nov 2021Topic-Wise Weightage of UGC NET 2021 History

The topic-wise weightage of UGC NET 2021 History is as follows –

Name of the TopicTotal No. of Questions Asked (Approximately)
Negotiating the Sources10
State to Empire15
The Emergence of Regional Kingdoms10
Medieval Indian History10
Administration & Economy5
Society & Culture10
Modern Indian History15
Colonial Economy5
Rise of Indian Nationalism15
Historical Method, Research & Methodology5

Question Asked in Paper-1 29 Nov 2021 Shift -1

  1. Post independence first education commission for women unki president kon thi

Who was the chairman of the National Committee for Women Education?

Ans-Chaired by Durgabai Deshmukh the National Council of Women was established in 1958.

2. HTTP ka kya kam hota hai

Ans-दूसरे शब्दों में, HTML फ़ाइलों को हाइपरटेक्स्ट कहा जाता है।3

HTML फ़ाइलों में साधारण पाठ के रूप में डेटा होता है।

HTML एक भाषा है, जबकि HTTP इसकी सामग्री है।

इसलिए हम कह सकते हैं कि HTML का उपयोग करके लिखे गए किसी भी पाठ को हाइपरटेक्स्ट कहा जाता है।

1990 से, HTTP वर्ल्ड वाइड वेब या इंटरनेट की नींव है।

3 Communication mein kandho ko uchkane ka kya matlab hota hai

What does shrugging shoulders indicate?

Raising the shoulders is a submissive gesture that implies some sort of apology. We shrug our shoulders when we want to communicate the message, ‘Sorry, I can’t do anything about it‘ or ‘Sorry, I don’t know’ and when done along with a slight shaking of the head, ‘Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying

अनिर्णय या उदासीनता दिखाएं, जैसे कि जब मैंने उससे पूछा कि क्या उसे घर में रहने का मन है, तो उसने अपने कंधे उचका दिए। यह निरर्थक मुहावरा- श्रग का अर्थ है ” कंधों को उठाना और सिकोड़ना” 

4 Swayam prabha ,,,sodh ganga ki matching ayi thi

Match List I with List II:

List I(Digital Initiative)         List II(Objective)

a) OVER             i) Utilization of satellite communication technologies for transmission of education e-contents through National channels

b) SWAYAM PRABHA ii) All-digital library that stores information (metadata) about different types of digital contents.

c) NDL                iii) 24 × 7 online store house of all academic awards viz. certificates, degrees etc.

d) SWAYAM iv) Offers various online courses for school education and higher education.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

a-ii, bi, c-iii, d-iv

a-iii, bi, c-ii, d-iv

a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, di

a-iv, bi, c-ii, d-iii

5 सूची I को सूची II के साथ सुमेलित करें:

सूची I(डिजिटल पहल)   सूची II(उद्देश्य)

ए) Over            i) राष्ट्रीय चैनलों के माध्यम से शिक्षा ई-सामग्री के प्रसारण के लिए उपग्रह संचार प्रौद्योगिकियों का उपयोग

बी) SWAYAM PRABHA ii) ऑल-डिजिटल लाइब्रेरी जो विभिन्न प्रकार की डिजिटल सामग्री के बारे में जानकारी (मेटाडेटा) संग्रहीत करती है।

सी) NDL                       iii) सभी शैक्षणिक पुरस्कारों का 24 × 7 ऑनलाइन स्टोर हाउस। प्रमाण पत्र, डिग्री आदि

डी) SWAYAM iv) स्कूली शिक्षा और उच्च शिक्षा के लिए विभिन्न ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्रम प्रदान करता है।

नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर चुनिए:

a-ii, bi, c-iii, d-iv

a-iii, bi, c-ii, d-iv

a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, di

a-iv, bi, c-ii, d-iii

6 1974,,1986 bale Environment act ka questions tha

General Environmental Acts

The Environment (Protection) Act,1986

The Biological Diversity Act 2002 and Biological Diversity Rules

The Public Liability Insurance Act and Rules 1991 and Amendment, 1992

The National Environmental Tribunal Act,1995, Amendment 2010

National Green Tribunal Act, 2010

The National Environment Appellate Authority Act,1997

The Biomedical waste (Management and Handling) Rules,1998

The Environment (Siting for Industrial Projects) Rules, 1999

The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000

The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001

The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) (Amendment) Rules, 2010

Nyay darshan,,,sankhya ,,, mimansa ki matching ayi thi

7 Match List I with List II

List IList II
A. NirvanaI. Sankhya
B. NihshreyasaII. Jainism
C. ApavargaIII. Upanishads
D. MokshaIV. Buddhism

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A – IV, B – III, C – II, D – I
  2. A – I, B – II, C – IV, D – III
  3. A – II, B – I, C – III, D – IV
  4. A – III, B – IV, C – II, D – I
सूची Iसूची II
ए निर्वाणI. सांख्य:
बी निहश्रेयसll जैन धर्म
सी अपवर्ग:III. उपनिषदों
डी मोक्षlv बुद्ध धर्म

चुनें  सही  विकल्प नीचे दिए गए से जवाब:

  1. A – IV, B – III, C – II, D – I
  2. A – I, B – II, C – IV, D – III
  3. A – II, B – I, C – III, D – IV

A – III, B – IV, C – II, D – I

Sdg mdg se kuch bhi nhi aya mam

Mam hard nhi tha easy bhi nhi tha moderate laga mujhe ���

But di easy tha

8 Acidic rain mein kitne % hoti hai gases esa kuch tha 1 question

cid rain (acid rain) the real meaning of that rain, snow, hail and the haze that carbon dioxide (CO2) in addition to sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NO X are dissolved), which dilute sulfuric acid (H2SO4 ) and nitric acid (HNO3) are formed. But broader view of plants and SO2 and NO by buildings X Absorption has also been involved.

अम्ल वर्षा (acid rain) का वास्तविक अर्थ उस वर्षा, हिम, ओला और कुहरा से है जिसमें कार्बन डाइ ऑक्साइड (CO2) के अतिरिक्त सल्फर डाइऑक्साइड (SO2) तथा नाइट्रोजन के ऑक्साइड (NOx) घुले हों, जिनसे तनु सल्फ्यूरिक अम्ल (H2SO4) तथा नाइट्रिक अम्ल (HNO3) बनते हैं. किन्तु व्यापक दृष्टि से पौधों तथा इमारतों द्वारा SO2 तथा NOx का absorption भी इसमें सम्मिलित कर लिया जाता है.

इस तरह अम्ल वर्षा (acid rain) में योगदान करने वाले प्रदूषकों में SO2 तथा NOx मुख्य हैं. अब वाष्पशील कार्बनिक यौगिकों (VOC) पर भी ध्यान दिया जाने लगा है. उष्ण कटिबंध में VOC तथा NOx की पारस्परिक क्रिया से ओजोन (O3) तथा अन्य ऑक्सीकारक बनते हैं.

Such acid rain (acid rain) that contribute to SO2 and NO in pollutants x key . Now attention is also being paid to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Tropic in VOC and NO X are formed by interaction of ozone (O3) and other oxidants from.

9 Modern era ka Media pucha tha instagram tha option mein

10 6:5 vrtmaan aayu ka anupaat h, vrtmaan aayu 44 h to 4vrsh Baad anupaat kya hoga

6:5 वर्तमान आयु का अनुपात है, वर्त्तमान आयु 44 है से 4 वर्ष बाद अनुपात क्या होगा

Age ratio aya tha ans 7:6 hoga.

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11 Fallacy 3 question pyq..

Fallacy of composition ..fallacy of division ..


What is the sequential order of a comprehensible sentence in Nyaya philosophy

A. Akansha

B. Yogyata

C. Tatparya

D. Sanniddhi

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. D, C, B, A
  2. A, B, D, C
  3. C, D, B, A
  4. D, C, A, B


12 Q SERIES….9,18.36……….12no of seris.

9, 18, 36, ~ next term.

9×2 = 18

18×2 = 36

36×2 = 72 Ans.

13 Di train wala …..4th train…….distance ..reseavation.

Di  avarage . minimum spead..

RC related nhi hai..

Ppr1 & ppr2 …..3Rc same….difficult

Highest question from communication’Unit

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Q14  Phishing se question aya tha..

Explanation: Phishing is a category of social engineering attack that is used to steal user data. Phishers often develop illegitimate websites for tricking users & filling their personal data.

What are examples of phishing attacks?

Examples of Different Types of Phishing Attacks

  • Phishing Email. Phishing emails still comprise a large portion of the world’s yearly slate of devastating data breaches. …
  • Spear Phishing. …
  • Link Manipulation. …
  • Fake Websites. …
  • CEO Fraud. …
  • Content Injection. …
  • Session Hijacking. …
  • Malware.

Q15  Interpersonal/intrapersonal communication se aya tha.

What is difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication?

The communication between two or more person, through verbal or non-verbal messages, is called interpersonal communication. The intrapersonal communication is the communication with oneself, and so only one person is involved in it. … In intrapersonal communication, only an individual’s internal senses are involved.

मौखिक या गैर-मौखिक संदेशों के माध्यम से दो या दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों के बीच संचार को पारस्परिक संचार कहा जाता है। अंतर्वैयक्तिक संचार स्वयं के साथ संचार है, और इसलिए इसमें केवल एक व्यक्ति शामिल होता है। … इंट्रापर्सनल संचार में, केवल एक व्यक्ति की आंतरिक इंद्रियां शामिल होती हैं।

16 Swayam swayam probha.

17 NDL se question aya tha.

18 एक व्यक्ति दुसरे को पत्र लिखता है किस प्रकार का कम्युनिकेशन है पूछा था

Formal Letter

19 WWW internet se question aya tha.

20 NEP 2020 related Question

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