Research Methodology

1. Who authored the book ”Methods of Social Research”

  • Wilkinson
  • CR Kothari
  • Kerlinger
  • Goode and halt

Ans: d

2.”Research is an organized and systematic enquiry” Defined by

  • Marshall
  • P.V.Young
  • Emory
  • Kerlinger

Ans: c

3. Research is a ”Scientific undertaking” opined by

  • Young
  • Kerlinger
  • Kothari
  • Emory

Ans: a

4.”A systematic step-by-step Procedure following logical process of reasoning “called




Scientific method

Ans: d

5.Ethical Neutrality is a feature of

  • Deduction
  • Scientific method
  • Observation
  • Experience


6.Scientific method is committed to ____________

  • Objectivity
  • Ethics
  • Proposition
  • Neutrality


7.”One of the methods of logical reasoning process” is called

  • Induction
  • Deduction
  • Research
  • Experiment


8.An essential Criterion of Scientific study is

  • Belief
  • Value
  • Objective
  • Subjectivity


9.”Reasoning from general to particular” is called

  • Induction
  • Deduction
  • Observation
  • Experience


10.Deduction and Induction are a part of system of reasoning”-stated by

  • Caroline
  • P.V.Young
  • Dewey
  • John Emory


11.”A system of systematically interrelated concepts definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena” _________ is

  • Facts
  • Values
  • Theory
  • Generalization

Ans: c

12.”A system of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena” defined by

  • Jack Gibbs
  • PV Young
  • Black Rose
  • Arnold


13.Theory is “ a set of systematically related propositions specifying casual relationship among variables” is defined by

  • Black James and Champion
  • P.V.Young
  • Emory
  • Gibbs


14. Empirically verifiable observation” ——- is defined by

  • Theory
  • Value
  • Fact
  • Statement


15.Fact is “empirically verifiable observation”—— is defined by

  • Good and Hatt
  • Emory
  • P.V.Young
  • Claver


16._______ is “systematically conceptual structure of inter related elements in some schematic form” Concept Variable Model Facts Ans:c 17.Social Science deals with __________ Objects Human beings Living things Non living things Ans:b 18.Science is broadly divided into _________ Natural and Social Natural and Physical Physical and Mental Social and Physical Ans:a 19.Social Science try to explain ________ between human activities and natural laws governing them Casual Connection Reason Interaction Objectives Ans:a 20.Social Science Research ________ProblemsExplain Diagnosis Recommend Formulate Ans:b 21.Social Research aims at _________ Integration Social Harmony National Integration Social Equality Ans:a 22.The method ny which a sample is chosen Unit Design Random Census Ans:b 23.Basing conclusions without any bias and value judgment is _______ Objectivity Specificity Values Facts Ans:a 24. Research is classified on the basis of _______ and methods Purpose Intent Methodology Techniques Ans:b25.Research undertaken for knowledge sake is Pure Research Action Research Pilot Research Survey Ans:a 26.Example for fact finding study is Pure Research Survey Acton Research Long term Research Ans:b 27.Facts or information ‘s are analyzed and critical evaluation is made in Survey Action Research Analytical Research Pilot Research Ans:c 28.Research conducted to find solution for an immediate problem is ________ Fundamental Research Analytical Research Survey Action Research Ans:d 29.Fundamental Research is otherwise called Action Research Survey Pilot Study Pure ResearchAns:d 30.Motivation Research is a type of _________research Quantitative Qualitative Pure Applied Ans:b 31.Research related to abstract ideas or concepts is Empirical research Conceptual Research Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Ans:b 32.A research which follows case study method is called Clinical or diagnostic Casual Analytical Qualitative Ans:a 33.Research conducted in class room atmosphere is called Field study Survey Laboratory Research Empirical Research Ans:c 34.Research through experiment and observation is called Clinical ResearchExperimental Research Laboratory Research Empirical Research Ans:d 35.Population Census is an example of _________ Research Survey Empirical Clinical Diagnostic Ans:a 36.The author of “The Grammar of Science” is Ostle Richard Karl Pearson Kerlinger Ans:c 37.”The Roman of Research” is authored by Redmen and Mory P.V. Young Robert C meir Harold Dazier Ans:a 38.________ is a way to systematically solve the research problem Techniques Operations Research Methodology Research process Ans:c 39.Good research is always_________Slow Fast Narrow Systematic Ans:d 40.Good research is ________ Logical Non logical Narrow Systematic Ans:a 41.”Criteria of Good Research” is written by Delta Kappan James Harold Fox P.V.Young Karl Popper Ans:b 42.Research method is a part of ________ Problem Experiment Research Techniques Research methodology Ans:d 43.Identifying causes of a problem and possible solution to a problem is Field Study Diagnostic Study Action Study Pilot Study Ans:b 44._________ helps in social planning Social Science ResearchExperience Survey Problem Formulation Diagnostic study Ans:a 45.”Foundations of Behavioral Research” is written by P.V.Young Kerlinger Emory Clover Vernon Ans:b 46.”Methods and issues in Social Research” is written by Black James and Champions P.V.Young Mortan Kaplan William Emory Ans:a 47.”Scientific Social Survey and Research” is written by Best john Emory Clover P.V.Young Ans:d 48.”Doubt is often better than _________” Belief Value Confidence Overconfidence Ans:d49.Research helps in explaining the ______ with which something operates. Velocity Momentum Frequency Gravity Ans:c 50.____________ is a motivation for research in students Research degree Research Academy Research Labs Research Problems Ans:a 51.Which of the following is an example of primary data? Book Journal News Paper Census Report Ans:c 52.Major drawback to researchers in India is ____________ Lack of sufficient number of University Lack of sufficient research guides Lack of sufficient Fund Lack of scientific training in research Ans:d 53.ICSSR stands for Indian Council for Survey and Research Indian Council for strategic ResearchIndian Council for Social Science Research Inter National Council for Social Science Research Ans:c 54.UGC Stands for University Grants Commission Union Government Commission University Governance Council Union government Council Ans:a 55.JRF stands for Junior Research Functions Junior Research Fellowship Junior Fellowship None of the above Ans:b 56.________ is the first step of Research process Formulation of a problem Collection of Data Editing and Coding Selection of a problem Ans:d 57.A problem well put is _________ Fully solved Not solved Cannot be solved Half-solved Ans:d 58._________ is a source of problem Schools and CollegesClass Room Lectures Play grounds Infra structures Ans:b 59.A question which requires a solution is ___________ Observation Problem Data Experiment Ans: b 60.Converting a question into Researchable problem is called __________ Solution Examination Problem Formulation Problem Solving Ans:c 61.While Selection a problem,problem which is ______ is no taken Very Common Overdone Easy one Rare Ans:b 62.The first in formulating a problem is Statement of the problem Gathering of data Measurement Survey Ans:a63._________ will help in finding out a problem for research Professor Tutor HOD Guide Ans:d 64.Second step in problem formulation is Statement of the problem Understanding the nature of the problem Survey Discussions Ans:b 65.Third step in problem formulation is Statement of the problem Understanding the nature of the problem Survey the available literature Discussion Ans.c 66.Fourth step in problem formulation is Develop ideas through discussion Survey Statement  of problem Enactment Ans:a 67.Last step in problem formulation is Survey Discussion Literature survey Re Phrasing the Research problemAns:d 68.In the formulation of the problem we need to give a _________ Title Index Bibliography Concepts Ans:a 69.Objectives in problem formulation means Questions to be answered Methods Techniques Methodology Ans:a 70.The problem selected must have Speed Facts Values Novelty Ans:d 71.The formulated problem should have Originality Values Coherence Facts Ans:a 72.The purpose of Social Science Research is Academic and Non academic Cultivation Academic UtilitarianAns:b 73.The Academic purpose is to have _______ Information Firsthand knowledge Knowledge and information Models Ans:c 74.Social Science Research creates Social __________ Alienation Cohesion Mobility Integration Ans:b 75._______ is a quality of Good Researcher Scientific temper Age Money Time Ans:a 76.Social Science Research in India aims at a _______ State Secular Totalitarian Democratic Welfare Ans:d 77.A __________ is an abstraction formed by generalization from particulars Hypothesis Variable ConceptFacts Ans:c 78.Concept is of two types Abstract and coherent Concrete and coherent Abstract and concrete None of the above Ans:c 79.Concepts are of ________ types 4 6 10 2 Ans:d 80.There is a concept by ____________ Observation Formulation Theory Postulation Ans:d 81.Another concept is by _________ Formulation Postulation Intuition Observation Ans:c 82.Concepts are ________ of Research Guide Tools Methods VariableAns:b 83.Concepts are ______________ Metaphor Simile Symbols Models Ans:c 84.Concepts represent various degree of ________ Formulation Calculation Abstraction Specification Ans:c 85.Concepts which cannot be given operational definitions  are __________ concepts Verbal Oral Hypothetical Operational Ans:c 86.”Concept is in reality a definition in short hand or a class or group of facts”-defined by Kerlinger P.V.Young Authur Kaplan Ans:b 87.Different people hold ________ of the same thing Same and different SameDifferent None of the above Ans:c 88.Many concepts find their origin from Greek English Latin Many Language Ans:d 89.A tentative proposition subject to test is Variable Hypothesis Data Concept Ans:b 90.Analogies are sources of _________ Data Concept Research Hypothesis Ans:d 91.”A Proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity “Defined by Lund berg Emory Johnson Good and Hatt Ans:d 92.”A tentative generalization “ stated by Good and Hatt Lund berg EmoryOrwell 93.Propositions which describe the characteristics are _________ Hypothesis Descriptive Imaginative Relational Variable Ans:a 94.A Hypothesis which develops while planning the research is Null Hypothesis Working Hypothesis Relational Hypothesis Descriptive Hypothesis Ans:b 95.When a hypothesis is stated negatively it is called Relational Hypothesis Situational Hypothesis Null Hypothesis Casual Hypothesis Ans:c 96.The first variable is ________ variable Abstract Dependent Independent Separate Ans:c 97.The second variable is called Independent Dependent SeparateAbstract Ans:b 98.Hypothesis which explains relationship between two variables is Casual Relational Descriptive Tentative Ans:b 99.Null means One Many Zero None of these Ans:c 100._______________  represent common sense ideas Statistical Hypothesis Complex Hypothesis Common sense Hypothesis Analytical Hypothesis Ans:c

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